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Life Technologies Added to FTSE4Good Index

NEW YORK (GenomeWeb News) – Life Technologies announced today that it has been named to an equity index called the FTSE4Good Index Series, which is designed to facilitate investment into companies that meet globally recognized citizenship standards based on social, ethical, and environmental criteria.

FTSE International Limited, a company owned by the London Stock Exchange and the British business newspaper The Financial Times, evaluates roughly 2,400 companies' citizenship practices. There are currently about 900 companies included in the FTSE4Good Global Index, with qualifying companies selected semi-annually. Selection criteria are continuously revised to reflect the current standards for socially responsible investment and corporate social responsibility, said Life Technologies.

For its part, Life Technologies' global citizenship measures have included resource conservation and waste reduction programs, efforts to reduce work-related injuries, an annual Global Volunteer Day, and the launch of the Life Technologies Foundation, which helps advance life sciences research through grant funding.