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Life Technologies Acquires BAC

NEW YORK (GenomeWeb News) – Life Technologies today announced that it has acquired Dutch firm BAC BV for an undisclosed sum.

BAC makes protein purification products and will expand Life Tech's portfolio in bioprocessing by adding the firm's affinity ligands to Life Tech's Poros brand of chromatography resins for purification of therapeutic products. The new technologies also complement Life Tech's Gibco brand of cell culture media products and the Applied Biosystems SEQ rapid molecular kits for containment and impurity testing of biotherapeutic products.

"Combining BAC's current portfolio and pipeline with our pre-existing portfolio expands Life's product offering and enables us to compete more fully across the protein purification market," Tony Hunt, head of BioProduction at Life Technologies, said in a statement. "We intend to immediately integrate the portfolios and leverage the Life commercial platform to drive accelerated growth in this market."

Life Tech said the deal is expected to be neutral to its overall return on invested capital three years after close.