Title: System and method for nucleic acids sequencing by phased synthesis.
Patent Number: 8,747,751
Filed: June 10, 2009
Lead Inventor: Reuven Duer, PLC Diagnostics
Title: Multiple step printing methods for microbarcodes.
Patent Number: 8,748,079
Filed: Jan. 11, 2013
Lead Inventor: Randall True, Affymetrix
Title: Method of screening for binding interaction using sets of microparticles and unique probes.
Patent Number: 8,748,090
Filed: May 2, 2008
Lead Inventor: Jar-How Lee, One Lambda
Title: Multiplexed olfactory receptor-based microsurface plasmon polariton detector.
Patent Number: 8,748,111
Filed: Jan. 28, 2011
Lead Inventor: Andreas Mirshin, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Title: Assay instrument for detecting optical signals from samples.
Patent Number: 8,748,789
Filed: May 30, 2013
Lead Inventor: Alexander Triener, Illumina