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Vibrent Health Lands $39M in NIH Funding to Continue All of Us Tech Center

NEW YORK – Vibrent Health said on Wednesday that it has received a $39 million award from the US National Institutes of Health to continue serving as the Participant Technology Systems Center (PTSC) for the All of Us research program. The new funding covers the first year of what is expected to be a five-year effort, according to the company.

NIH directs potential participants to Vibrent's web and mobile platform to enroll, share their health information, and register for program updates. Fairfax, Virginia-based Vibrent Health runs all consumer-facing technology for All of Us, and the PTSC platform supports more than 100 program partners.

"As an All of Us technology partner, the PTSC provides the infrastructure to help people enroll, contribute information securely, and stay connected with the program over time," All of Us CEO Joshua Denny said in a statement. "This provides the foundation for critical discoveries that may help improve health in the future."

More than 356,000 people have consented to participate in All of Us — and have enrolled on Vibrent Health's platform — and 270,000 people have completed the full protocol, which involves donating biological samples and sharing a variety of data from electronic medical records, surveys, and wearables.

"Our successes, combined with our second PTSC award from the NIH, have led us to fulfill our vision of a more personalized, inclusive, and transformative platform that can unlock the full potential of health data in ways that stand to change the course of human health," said Vibrent Health Founder and CEO Praduman Jain.