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UK's Institute of Cancer Research Taps Dotmatics' Software for Drug Discovery Work


Dotmatics said this week that the Institute of Cancer Research, London, has licensed Vortex, its data visualization and analysis tool, for use in cancer drug research and development efforts.

Julian Blagg, who heads ICR’s chemistry department and is the deputy director of its cancer therapeutics division, said that the institute selected Vortex, after internal testing, because of its "flexibility, ease of use and swift integration with our existing chemoinformatics data storage platform.”

The financial details of the licensing agreement were not disclosed.

Another oncology-focused client of Dotmatics is Cancer Therapeutics CRC, a small-molecule drug discovery company based in Bundoora, Australia.

The company uses Dotmatics’ platform to query and analyze data from cancer pathways associated with the tumor microenvironment or growth in breast, prostate, melanoma, lung, and brain cancers (BI 6/8/2012).