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UCSF Cancer Center Using GenomOncology NGS Analysis Platform

CHICAGO (GenomeWeb) – The University of California, San Francisco, has enlisted GenomOncology's informatics platform to analyze and report results from the institution's UCSF500 next-generation cancer sequencing panel.

Cleveland-based GenomOncology said today that it has supplied the UCSF Helen Diller Family Comprehensive Cancer Center with a customized installation of the GO Clinical Workbench analysis platform. The platform helps integrate data from multiple clinical, research, and analysis sources, then generates actionable reports for clinicians.  

"UCSF worked with GenomOncology to create a custom software solution that will allow us to concurrently analyze disparate data and consolidate complex genetic information and interpretation into structured clinical reports," UCSF physician and cancer researcher Boris Bastian said in a statement. "The GO Clinical Workbench will allow UCSF to scale efficiently while also maintain our depth of analysis."

Introduced in 2015 after validation led by Bastian, UCSF500 is an assay that identifies mutations in 479 genes related to cancer.

"UCSF takes a comprehensive approach to evaluating cancer types to identify therapeutic targets and assist in establishing an accurate diagnosis. With our use of multiple variant-calling algorithms, we are able to accurately detect and report mutations, copy-number changes, and many structural rearrangements," Bastian explained.