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UberCloud Organizers Seek Life Science Participants for Cloud-Based Research Experiment


The organizers of the UberCloud experiment are asking members of the life sciences community to participate in a three-month experiment focused on applying a cloud computing service model to projects in bio, pharma, and chemistry.

The UberCloud team is trying to build an open community around high-performance computing as a service, find the best process for end users to obtain HPC services, and study the steps involved in accessing and using remote compute resources and come up with ways to overcome challenges. The group plans to document its findings, roadblocks, lessons learned, and recommendations.

The life science-focused experiment is intended for researchers who don't have sufficient internal compute power to run their projects.

Specifically, the UberCloud organizers said that they are looking for small- or medium-sized manufacturers that are using computer simulations to prototype small molecules, drugs, products, or services, for whom running computations on their internal workstations would take too long.

Participants will submit their projects for evaluation and the UberCloud team will then pair the researchers with appropriate resources based on their needs from a pool of registered hardware and software providers and compute technology experts.

Hardware providers that are involved in UberCloud's experiments include Amazon Web Services, Penguin Computing, and SGI. Software and service providers include BGI, Numerate, and Cycle Computing. Meanwhile BioTeam and the Omics Publishing group are providing expertise.

Further information and a registration form are available here.

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