The TranSMART Foundation has launched a membership program that will provide an ecosystem for partners that are developing, delivering, hosting, supporting and using the TranSMART platform for translational research.
The program will also provide the foundation with sustainability in its mission to mobilize and enable the TranSMART community around the content and codebase.
The program will offer three levels. Gold membership will recognize investments of at least $100,000 per year in the foundation. Members at this level can elect a company representative to sit on the foundation's board of directors and they can also have representation on all foundation working groups.
Silver membership recognizes groups that make a minimum investment of $50,000 annually. The members can nominate a representative to be part of a pool of candidates to be elected to the foundation's board of directors and they can have two representatives in the foundation's working groups.
Finally, bronze membership recognizes a minimum annual investment of between $5,000 and $20,000. Groups in this category can submit a representative to the pool of candidates for the board of directors and can nominate one individual to participate in a working group.