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SingularityNet, Project Shivom Partner to Create AI-Driven Genomic and Medical Analytics

NEW YORK (GenomeWeb) – SingularityNet and Project Shivom are collaborating to combine blockchain technology, artificial intelligence, and genomics for medical analytics, the companies said last week.

SingularityNet focuses on providing a commercial marketplace for advanced AI solutions, while Project Shivom aims to harness blockchain technology for handling genomic information and analytics.

Ben Goertzel, CEO of SingularityNet, said in a statement that the goal is to develop tools to enable AI and other types of analyses on genomics data without researchers being able to view an individual's entire genome or medical data.

"A key focus for SingularityNet's bio-AI team is the creation of AI services carrying out genomic, proteomics, and clinical analysis using tools from OpenCog," an open-source framework provided by SingularityNet's other partner, Mozi AI Health, Goertzel said.

"Integrating a number of biomedical reference databases, these solutions can offer classification and diagnostic models, as well as useful insights and explanations of the key genes and processes influencing AI decisions. Integration of Shivom's tools and data into the network should add yet more scope and intelligence," he said.

Following the integration, SingularityNet's customers can request genomic or other biological data from Shivom, and Shivom customers can request AI analytics from SingularityNet. The companies said they "expect to create the underpinnings of these services, along with multiple further innovations in AI-driven genomic and medical analytics."