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Sentieon to Supply Genome Analysis Algorithms to Startup DNAstack

CHICAGO (GenomeWeb) — Bioinformatics technology vendor Sentieon has agreed to supply a series of its genomic analysis algorithms to cloud-based genomics software startup DNAstack.

The algorithms will run through DNAstack's Workflows app. The partnership will allow Workflows to deliver faster, less expensive, and more consistent pipelines of genomics data analyses in the cloud, according to Toronto-based DNAstack.  

The two companies announced this collaboration today at the American Society of Human Genetics' annual conference in Orlando, Florida.

"The addition of Sentieon’s algorithms to our Workflows marketplace lets anyone with an internet connection run their award-winning software simply and at any scale. From there, they can interpret results privately in the context of the large and growing global network on our platform," DNAstack CEO Marc Fiume said in a statement.

"Through the integration with DNAstack, Sentieon technologies will be made more accessible to a global community of scientists to help accelerate breakthrough discoveries and the implementation of precision medicine," added Sentieon CEO Jun Ye.