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Selvita Spins Out Bioinformatics Business Into Subsidiary Ardigen

NEW YORK (GenomeWeb) – Drug discovery firm Selvita today said that it has formed a subsidiary called Ardigen to take over its bioinformatics business.

Ardigen's big data integration and analysis services business and custom application development operations will expand Selvita's bioinformatics services, Selvita said. Ardigen will form a new business unit focused on biological and clinical data analysis in genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, metabolomics, and immunomics, and will also create a business unit around personalized medicine products and services.

Ardigen Co-founder Janusz Homa is the firm's CEO. He is the co-founder and former CEO of software company Software Mind. Sebastian Kwasny is Ardigen's vice president of operations. He is also a member of Selvita's management board.

Ardigen currently has 20 employees. It also has taken over Selvita's collaborations with Abbott Informatics, Microsoft, Oracle, IBM, and Qiagen, Selvita said.

"Starting Ardigen is our response to the vast amount of information on the mechanisms, progression, and treatment outcomes of various life-threatening disorders and related new therapies, a challenge which doctors currently face without adequate and affordable solutions," Pawel Przewiezlikowski, CEO of Krakow, Poland-based Selvita, said in a statement.