NEW YORK (GenomeWeb News) – Maverix Biomics said this week that it has extended an existing co-marketing agreement with Qiagen by integrating a second set of software products to support customers analyzing data from RNA-sequencing studies.
The partners have combined Qiagen's Ingenuity Pathway Analysis software with the Maverix Analytic platform to simplify the analysis and interpretation of RNA-seq data as well as speed up research, Maverix said. Last November, the companies integrated Qiagen Ingenuity iReport with the Maverix platform.
"By extending our relationship with Maverix, we are providing a seamless workflow from raw sequencing files to biological interpretation, which will accelerate the pace of insights researchers gain from their RNA-seq experiments," Debra Toburen, director of product management at Qiagen Redwood City (formerly Ingenuity), said in a statement. "The addition of IPA complements Ingenuity iReport and expands the options for analyzing their sequencing data."
Qiagen and Maverix have planned a series of joint marketing initiatives to promote the strategic relationship, including conducting joint webinars and presentations at the American Association for Cancer Research annual meeting to be held in San Diego, Calif., next week.