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Plasticell, Stemnion Team on Stem Cell Differentiation Protocols

By a GenomeWeb staff reporter

NEW YORK (GenomeWeb News) – Plasticell today said that it has been collaborating with regenerative medicine firm Stemnion to develop protocols for stem cell differentiation.

UK-based Plasticell used its CombiCult technology to discover "multiple novel, serum-free protocols that direct the differentiation of Stemnion's stem cells into hard-to-obtain lineages." Plasticell ranked the protocols using Ariadne's bioinformatics software, and Stemnion validated the protocols.

"Stemnion provided us with a challenge that is typical of adult stem cell R&D programs, however this project was particularly interesting on several fronts, including for the first time utilizing placenta-delivered stem cells as the starting stem cell type," Lilian Hook, director of research at Plasticell, said in a statement.

Financial and other terms of the collaboration were not disclosed.