Elsevier has announced the winners of its second CodeForScience Competition — a series of application development competitions aimed at creating solutions that enhance the search and discovery capabilities of its ScienceDirect and Scopus products. This year's competition was held in India.
Pinaki Dey, Sudipta Sadhu, and Rajiv Ram from the Indian Institute of Technology in Bombay won the grand prize for IntelliScholar: an application that shows the names of authors with their latest and most-cited articles in tabular format as well as all the references of the current article based on publication date. It also pulls in information on genes and proteins from databases maintained by the National Center for Biotechnology Information.
Babylakshmi M., Harsha Gowda, and Joji Kurian Thomas from the Institute of Bioinformatics in Bangalore took home the second prize for development of ReachPathways: an application that searches ScienceDirect full text articles and retrieves protein mentions. Clicking on a particular protein provides a view of relevant pathways from resources such as NetPath, Reactome, and WikiPathways.
Rishi Das Roy of the Institute of Genomics and Integrative Biology in New Delhi won the third prize for DISQUS Science: an application that lets users comment on an article as well as read and respond to other comments. Users can also share and rate articles and comments and subscribe to particular discussion threads.