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People in the News: Ken Kershner and Warren Kibbe


DNANexus has hired Ken Kershner to serve as its vice president of engineering. In this role, he will be responsible for leading the company's development and product quality teams and will oversee the architecture and technology powering the company’s cloud service for DNA data analysis and management.

Kershner joins DNAnexus from MobileIron, where he was vice president of engineering and operations. He has also held senior engineering positions at Dash Navigation, TiVo, TenTV, Silicon Graphics, and Hewlett Packard.

He obtained an MBA in the management of technology innovation from the Sloan School of Management at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and a BS in electrical engineering from Duke University.

The National Cancer Institute has tapped Warren Kibbe to head its Center for Biomedical Informatics and Information Technology starting on October 1, 2013.

Kibbe is a professor of medicine and head of the bioinformatics program at Northwestern University. He's also the director of cancer informatics for Northwestern's cancer center and co-director of the university's biomedical informatics center.

He is a member of the open biomedical ontologies community and is part of the Gene Ontology Consortium and the CTSA Ontology Working Group. He was a founder and principal investigator of a National Institute's of Health-funded project to build the Human Disease Ontology. Kibbe was the PI of the caBIG Patient Study Calendar module software development project, which developed a syntactically and semantically harmonized interoperable patient study calendar. He is also the co-PI of the Dictyostelium Model Organism Database, dictyBase.

Kibbe obtained a BS in chemistry from Michigan Technological University and a PhD in chemistry from California Institute of Technology.