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People in the News: George Komatsoulis, Juli Klemm, James Robins, Isaac Kohane, and others


George Komatsoulis has left the National Cancer Institute to work as a senior bioinformatics specialist at the National Center for Biotechnology Information.

Previously, he was the deputy director of the NCI's Center for Biomedical Informatics and Information Technology (CBIIT). He's also served as acting chief information officer and interim director for CBIIT.

Juli Klemm is serving as acting deputy director for CBIIT while the agency searches for a replacement.

GNS Healthcare has added several new members to its scientific advisory board.

The list includes James Robins, a professor of epidemiology at the Harvard School of Public Health. His research efforts focus on the development of analytic methods for drawing causal inferences from complex observational and randomized studies with time-varying exposures or treatments.

Also joining GNS' SAB is Isaac Kohane, who is the director of the Boston Children's Hospital's Informatics Program and a professor of pediatrics, health sciences and technology at Harvard Medical School. As part of his research, he has developed computer systems that enable hospital systems to be used as so-called 'living laboratories' to study the genetic basis of disease while preserving patient privacy. One of these is the Informatics for Integrating Biology and the Bedside (i2b2) which has been deployed at over 100 academic health centers.

Strand Genomics has appointed Ravi Venkatesan to its board of directors.

Venkatesan was the chairman of Microsoft India from 2004-2011. He is the founding chairman of Social Ventures Partners, India and serves as a director on the boards of Infosys and AB Volvo.

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