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OnRamp, Advaita Partner on Genomic Data Analysis

NEW YORK (GenomeWeb) – OnRamp Bioinformatics and Advaita BioInformatics announced today that they have agreed to combine their respective technologies to create an end-to-end genomic data analysis solution.

Under the terms of the deal, the companies will join OnRamp's Rosalind genomic data analysis platform with Advaita's iPathwayGuide pathway analysis platform. According to the companies, the combined offering will enable customers to design and perform experiments that follow the NCBI BioSample Data Model, then further analyze and securely share the resulting data.

Additional terms were not disclosed.

"Advaita's HIPAA-compliant platform enables the identification of significant biological processes and precise mechanisms of action," Advaita CEO Sorin Draghici said in a statement. "With Rosalind handling the secondary analysis, these patient-centric approaches are now readily available to everyone in a one-stop solution."

OnRamp CEO Tim Wesselman added that Rosalind is free to access and "runs an entire analysis at a low $40 per-sample pricing model. These disruptive economics and transformative approach invite researchers without prior command-line or bioinformatics experience to begin analyzing their own data."