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N-of-One to Provide Clinical Interpretation Services for New England VA Oncology Program

NEW YORK (GenomeWeb) – N-of-One has been selected by the US Department of Veterans Affairs New England Veteran's Integrated Service Network to provide clinical interpretation services for its Precision Oncology Program, the company said today.

The program aims to test US veterans recently diagnosed with non-small cell lung cancer using next-generation sequencing panels, provide them individualized treatments, and allow them the opportuniity to participate in research.

N-of-One will work closely with Personalis and Personal Genome Diagnostics (PGDx), both of whom were tapped previously to support the program. PGDx provides targeted genomic testing services using its CancerSelect targeted gene panel, which detects alterations in 88 well-characterized genes that are associated with currently available or investigational treatments. Personalis was selected to perform clinical cancer testing and research services based on its ACE Extended Cancer Panel Test, which provides comprehensive genomic profiling of solid tumors and helps identify targeted treatment options.

For its part, N-of-One will handle the interpretation of the genomic data collected from testing. The company will also provide scientific and clinical evidence that supports possible therapeutic strategies relevant to each specific patient case, it said.