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MediSapiens, Bluebee Partnering on NGS Analytics

CHICAGO (GenomeWeb) – Biomedical data company MediSapiens is teaming with high-performance genomics analysis and storage provider Bluebee to offer customized analytics for next-generation sequencing data.

Under the partnership, announced Monday, MediSapiens has integrated its Explorer data curation, management, and analytics technology with Bluebee's cloud-based NGS data analysis platform that includes includes the Integrative Genomics Viewer developed by the Broad Institute.

"With the combination of Bluebee's private cloud-based robust and scalable platform for high-speed, configurable data analysis and [the] Explorer platform's capabilities in data curation, management, and interpretation, scientists and clinicians now have a comprehensive integrated solution that will enhance the development of new diagnostics in the research lab and enable improved therapeutic decisions in a clinical setting", Bluebee CEO Hans Cobben said in a statement.

Bluebee is headquartered in Rijswijk, Netherlands. MediSapiens is based in Helsinki, Finland. Both companies run their US operations from Cambridge, Massachusetts.

MediSapiens offers its services on Microsoft's Azure Cloud and other platforms. Among the company's clients is Bayer Healthcare.