Title: Method for reconstructing evolutionary data
US Patent Number: 8,645,074
Assignee: International Business Machines
Inventor: Laxmi Parida
Title: Technique for identifying association variables
US Patent Number: 8,639,446
Assignee: Trigeminal Solutions
Inventor: Steven Stupp
Title: Information processing system using nucleotide sequence-related information
US Patent Number: 8,639,451
Assignee: Hitachi
Inventors: Takamasa Katoh, Takeo Morimoto
Title: Identification of related residues in biomolecular sequences by multiple sequence alignment and phylogenetic analysis
US Patent Number: 8,639,445
Assignee: Microsoft
Inventor: Stuart Ozer
Title: Methods for identifying drug targets based on genomic sequence data
US Patent Number: 8,635,031
Assignee: The Regents of the University of California
Inventor: Bernhard Palsson