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Ingenuity to Integrate IPA with Integromics' NGS Software


Ingenuity and Integromics said this week that they plan to integrate Integromics SeqSolve next-generation sequence analysis software with Ingenuity's IPA software.

Ingenuity has already integrated three other Integromics products with IPA: Integromics Biomarker Discovery for microarray data analysis, RealTime StatMiner used for the analysis of qPCR data, and OmicsHub Proteomics used for the analysis and storage of proteomics data.

Integromics released its first product for NGS data analysis last December. SeqSolve includes a broad RNA-seq analysis portfolio, including differential gene expression measurement among other features (BI 12/03/2011).

According to the partners, the combined tools will enable users to go from the aligned sequences to the function, interactions, pathways, and disease association of the genes or variant forms identified in the experiment.

Michael McManus, Integromics' CEO, said in a statement that his firm "can offer the market a spectrum of coverage spanning from microarrays to NGS data and proteomics" and by working with Ingenuity, it can provide "a consistent interface to IPA’s pathway data and biological context in each of the Integromics products.”