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Illumina, FlowJo to Develop, Comarket Single-Cell Genomics Software

NEW YORK (GenomeWeb) – Illumina and FlowJo today announced a partnership to jointly develop and comarket software for analyzing single-cell next-generation sequencing data.

Ashland, Oregon-based FlowJo develops analysis solutions based on technology from Stanford University for single-cell flow and mass cytometry data analysis. Under the terms of the agreement with Illumina, FlowJo will develop a new software application for secondary and tertiary analysis and visualization of datasets. The application will be integrated with a single-cell RNA application available on Illumina's BaseSpace cloud infrastructure, Illumina said. It will also complement an end-to-end commercial solution for high-throughput sequencing of single cells that Illumina is co-developing with Bio-Rad Laboratories, the company added. 

"The new offering will enhance the power of single-cell biology research by empowering robust exploration of data from Illumina next-generation sequencing runs," FlowJo CEO Michael Stadnisky said in a statement. "We are excited to partner with Illumina on this project to bring new tools for analyzing and visualizing NGS data to cell biology."

The partners expect to have the software ready for market in the first quarter of 2017.

Financial and other terms of the agreement were not disclosed.