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Horizon Discovery Inks Product Integration Deal With Sophia Genetics

NEW YORK (GenomeWeb) – Sophia Genetics and Horizon Discovery Group have agreed to combine their respective products to improve the quality of next-generation sequencing based testing for oncology patients.

Under the terms of the agreement, the partners will combine Horizon's HDx reference standards with Sophia Genetics' Data Driven Medicine (DDM) platform. Sophia's DDM platform provides tools for processing, analyzing, and reporting the results of next-generation sequencing-based clinical tests. Earlier this year, Sophia added new artificial intelligence technology to its DDM platform that it developed to provide more accurate and precise predictions of variant pathogenicity in clinical diagnostics.

Horizon's reference standards provide insights into metrics like assay performance and limitations as well as the quality of patient samples used as inputs into a workflow to help improve the quality of data generated by NGS. These standards also help labs better monitor performance and improve the reproducibility of their tests.

Combining their solutions will enable hospitals and laboratories to offer higher quality NGS testing services, assays, and genomic data analysis, the companies said. Financial and other terms of the agreement were not disclosed.

Sophia Genetics has also partnered with diagnostics developer Devyser to provide next-generation sequencing-based testing solutions for hereditary and inherited diseases to routine diagnostics laboratories, and has a co-marketing agreement with Illumina that allows the companies to market combined products to hospitals and clinical laboratories starting in the EMEA region. More recently, the company announced a partnership with ArcherDx to provide an integrated analytical and next-generation sequencing sample preparation offering for cancer research. 

Meanwhile, earlier this month, Horizon Discovery signed an agreement with CareDx to supply cell-free DNA-based molecular reference standards for inclusion in CareDx's cfDNA testing workflows for the monitoring of transplanted organ rejection.