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GWU Taps Internet2's Infrastructure to Handle Data Transfer


Researchers at George Washington University's Colonial One High Performance Computing Center will use Internet2's 100 gigabit network technology to move large biomedical datasets from National Institutes of Health's National Library of Medicine, the university said last week.

Improved access to data "will enable us to provide our genomic clients with faster results, ultimately hastening discovery and therapeutic decisions," according to Raja Mazumder, associate professor of biochemistry and molecular medicine at the GW School of Medicine and Health Sciences. He is also the co-developer of the High-performance Integrated Virtual Environment, a genomic analysis platform used at GWU.

Commenting on Internet2's selection by GWU, Michael Sullivan, associate director of the nonprofit organization, said that the 100 gigabit network will enable HIVE "realize its full potential by removing external bottlenecks."

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