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GigaScience Selects Aspera's Software to Move Research Data


Aspera said this week that GigaScience — an online open-access, open-data life sciences journal, co-published by BGI and BioMed Central — has licensed its software products to provide authors, reviewers, and other users with tools to upload and download large datasets that accompany submitted manuscripts.

Aspera said that GigaScience selected its Aspera Connect Server and Aspera Console to enable the transfer of the datasets and to manage and monitor the transfer process.

GigaScience publishes articles that span the full spectrum of biological and biomedical sciences and focus on the use, analysis, or tool development for large-scale data sets. It also hosts the complete datasets associated with each published article in a comprehensive public database, GigaDB.

Manuscript authors will now be able to use Aspera's free Connect Web Browser plug-in to submit manuscript-associated datasets to a private data storage site at GigaScience that staff reviewers will be able access and download data from. If a paper is accepted for publishing, the data will then be transferred to GigaDB where it will be readily available for readers to download.