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Genedata Collaborates with Biogas Consortium

NEW YORK (GenomeWeb News) – Genedata today announced a collaboration with the General Optimization of Biogasprocesses (GOBI) for the use of Genedata Selector software "to optimize their biogas fermentation processes."

The consortium will use the software solution for genomic data analysis and management to analyze high-throughput sequencing data, gene expression data, and genotype-phenotype relationships. The collaboration will also serve as a centralized knowledge management and analysis platform for the members of the GOBI consortium.

GOBI is an interdisciplinary German biogas research consortium seeking to improve the efficiency of biogas production. The German Federal Ministry of Education and Research funds GOBI.

In a statement, Joachim Müller, a professor at the Institute of Agricultural Engineering at the University of Hohenheim and GOBI's project coordinator, said that biogas is crucial in meeting the world's energy demands.

"At the molecular level, the underlying fermentation process is still considered a black box," he said. "Understanding this complex process at this level promises a huge optimization potential to increase production yield and diversification such as leveraging waste streams of organic acids for higher value products, specialized fertilizers, and sustainable waste management."