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Funding Update: NSF Bioinformatics Grants Awarded Apr. 20 — May 24, 2013


Continued Development of RaptorX Server for Protein Structure and Functional Prediction
Start Date: July 1, 2013
Expires: June 30, 2016
Awarded Amount to Date: $551,238
Principal Investigator: Jinbo Xu
Sponsor: Toyota Technological Institute at Chicago

According to the abstract, the funds will be used to “transform RaptorX, a popular protein structure modeling web server, to one that can also annotate functions of a protein sequence and the quality of a theoretical protein model in the absence of the corresponding native structure.” This will “facilitate the interpretation and proper usage of a theoretical protein model” as well as “predict functions of a protein sequence with coverage beyond what can be reached by native-structure-based methods and accuracy much higher than sequence-based methods,” the investigator wrote.

A Systematic Computational Approach to Creating Libraries of High-Quality Mass Spectra for Unidentified Metabolites
Start Date: Sept. 1, 2013
Expires: Aug. 31, 2016
Awarded Amount to Date: $580,611
Principal Investigator: Xiuxia Du
Sponsor: University of North Carolina, Charlotte

According to the abstract, the funds will be used to develop a computational workflow for creating “libraries of high-quality mass spectra for unknown metabolites that are observed repeatedly by mass spectrometers in metabolomics studies.”

Multivariate Statistical Methods for Genomic Data Integration
Start Date: June 1, 2013
Expires: May 31, 2016
Awarded Amount to Date: $177,027
Principal Investigator: Debashis Ghosh
Sponsor: Pennsylvania State University, University Park

The abstract states that the funds will support research into “multivariate methods of analysis with high-dimensional genomic data that relax the linearity assumption.” According to the investigator, “the methodology will be evaluated using several real datasets as well as through simulation studies.”

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