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EU Funds Development of Gene Regulation Software Suite

By a GenomeWeb staff reporter

NEW YORK (GenomeWeb News) – CLC Bio said today that it is leading a consortium funded by the European Union to develop a software suite that will enable gene regulation analysis of a large number of genomes.

CLC Bio, Decode Genetics, Biobase, the University of Oxford, Hungary’s Alfred Renyi Institute of Mathematics, and Russia’s BioRainbow will use €1.6 million ($2.1 million) in EU funding to support the Comparative Genomics and Next Generation Sequencing, or COGANGS, project.

The COGANGS partners plan to develop a software suite that will enable the analysis of up to one thousand genomes at the same time.

“We will apply both the initial prototype and the final software package for the analysis of regions that have been identified to have strong disease associations in the human genome,” Gisli Masson, Decode’s director of bioinformatics, said in a statement.

Masson explained that the software suite could enable scientists to “unlock a lot of information in the vast collection of human DNA samples we already have, once this project enables us to do large-scale comparative genomics analyses.”