NEW YORK (GenomeWeb) – Genedata said this week that the FUNGITECT consortium has tapped its Genedata Selector platform to analyze both host and pathogen sequence data in its projects.
FUNGITECT is a European consortium that aims to improve the treatment of invasive fungal diseases, a significant medical problem that results in significant healthcare costs and is a one of the causes of morbidity and mortality in immunocompromised individuals such as bone-marrow and organ transplant recipients, preterm neonates, and patients with AIDS.
Researchers in the group will use Genedata Selector to process enormous NGS datasets and extract relevant biological information. It will serve as the consortium's central data management and analysis platform for biomarker development, diagnostics, and therapy support and will help researchers "integrate diagnostically important characteristics of fungal infections, ranging from standardized sample collection to analysis of complex molecular data and result sharing," Thomas Lion, FUNGITECT's project coordinator, said in a statement.
As part of the collaboration, Genedata Selector will be further developed to support the integration of existing human susceptibility markers and re-annotation of genomes that can be used as references for functional reconstruction of host-pathogen systems and their interactions.