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DREAM 5 Organizers Seek Participants for Computational Systems Biology Challenge


The organizers of DREAM 5, the fifth annual Dialogue on Reverse Engineering Assessment and Methods, are seeking participants for the annual evaluation of computational systems biology methods.

DREAM 5 will include four challenges this year: the Epitope-Antibody Recognition Challenge, in which participants will use the provided data to predict the binding specificity of peptide-antibody interactions; the TF-DNA Motif Recognition Challenge, where participants will predict the specificity of a transcription factor binding to a 35-mer probe; the Systems Genetics Challenge, where participants will predict disease phenotypes and infer gene networks from systems genetics data; and the network inference challenge, where participants will infer simulated and in vivo gene regulatory networks.

Details and data for the first two challenges are available on the DREAM 5 website. Information for the latter two will be posted by June 14.

Predictions are due on Sept. 20 and the best performers will present their results on Nov. 16 as part of the RECOMB Systems Biology/Regulatory Genomics/DREAM5 conference.