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Downloads & Upgrades: Roche's 454 Software, Omixon Simulation Service, OmicsOffice, and Others


Roche has upgraded the software suite for its 454 GS Junior sequencing instrument.

The company said that the updated software improves sequencing consistency and robustness and also includes functionality improvements for the GS de novo assembler, GS reference mapper, and GS amplicon variant analyzer software.

Omixon has launched a free next-generation sequence data simulation service to help scientists validate their data analysis and eliminate analysis errors.

The service currently generates simulated, targeted human NGS data. These simulations are expected to provide users with a tool for NGS analysis quality control and to help diagnostic labs assess the precision of their NGS-based genetic tests, the company said.

Integromics has launched OmicsOffice, a platform for analyzing and integrating genomic data from next-generation sequencing, real time PCR, and microarrays.

The platform combines Integromics' SeqSolve, RealTime StatMiner, and Integromics Biomarker Discovery products and includes a set of modules for downstream integration and analysis of results from these tools.

Specifically, it includes a functional analysis tool that lets users assess whether a Gene Ontology functional category, a KEGG pathway, or an InterPro motif is statistically over- or under-represented in a set of genes of interest. The platform also lets scientists integrate and compare results from different experiments and correlate the expression levels of known miRNAs with those of their respective targets, among other capabilities.

Affymetrix has released new versions of several software tools through its Developer's Network.

Chromosome Analysis Suite 1.2.2 is now available. The release includes a bug fix and improved allele peaks data among other updates.

Genotyping Console 4.1.2 has also been released. This version supports QC and genotyping of Axiom products for species with ZW sex determination and custom arrays for species with ZW sex determination, among other updates.

Affymetrix Power Tools is also available. The release provides support for dropped probe sets and includes covariate adjusters to adjust for modulation in allele peaks data in certain rare samples, among other changes.