The genome browser group at the University of California, Santa Cruz has added epigenomics data from the European BLUEPRINT epigenome project to the UCSC browser via its public hubs function.
The dataset currently contains 8 DNase-seq, 48 DNA methylation, 170 Histone modification, and 24 RNA-seq tracks, focused on displaying variation in human monocyte and neutrophil cells from 7 adult blood and 4 cord blood samples.
RefSeq 60 is now available from the National Center for Biotechnology Information via FTP.
This release incorporates genomic, transcript, and protein data available as of July. 19 and includes 40,913,699 records; 32,504,738 proteins; 4,243,209 RNAs; and sequences from 28,560 different organisms.
This week, Appistry has launched the Cancer Genome Analysis Suite, an integrated set of tools for analyzing next-generation sequence data from cancer genomes.
According to the company, the suite provides the high sensitivity required for identifying low-frequency point mutations and discrepancies in DNA sequences that mark tumor development and evolution. It includes the Broad's Genome Analysis Toolkit and MuTect, also developed by the Broad, which lets users identify somatic point mutations. It also includes tools for identifying somatic indels, an Appistry-built test dataset, results summary, and a Perl script that runs all of the tools in the suite across the test dataset or a customer's own data.