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Downloads and Upgrades: NantHealth, dbSNP Build 141, and Nexus Copy Number for Affymetrix


NantHealth said this week that it has launched a fully integrated genomic and transcriptomic analytic engine that can identify mutations such as copy number variants and genomic rearrangements in DNA, RNA, and protein pathways accurately and efficiently.

The National Center for Biotechnology Information said this week that dbSNP human Build 141 is now available on the integrated NCBI Entrez system and via ftp. NCBI has also released companion VCF files, which include several sequences of clinical interest that are often not included in builds.

Affymetrix and BioDiscovery have launched Nexus Copy Number for Affymetrix, a new analysis solution specifically for data generated by Affymetrix’ genetic analysis platforms in cancer research, including the CytoScan Cytogenetics suite and OncoScan FFPE Assay kit.