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Downloads and Upgrades: HCS Studio, BaseSpace Apps, and more.


Thermo Fisher Scientific has launched HCS Studio, a software suite comprised of high-content imaging and analysis applications for analyzing cell images and corresponding data.

The software’s features include icon-driven interfaces, step-by-step workflows, and a desktop navigator. It also has automated plate handling capabilities enabling the Thermo Scientific Orbitor RS Plate Mover to be used in conjunction with either the Thermo Scientific ArrayScan XTI High Content Analysis Reader or the Thermo Scientific CellInsight NXT High Content Screening platform.

Illumina said this week that it has ended the beta run of BaseSpace, its cloud computing and storage platform, and that the system is now commercially available. The company also introduced iCredits, which is a medium of exchange that lets users purchase apps within the cloud infrastructure.

Viscovery has released Viscovery 6.0, the latest version of its data mining software suite.

According to the company version 6.0 has a more intuitive user interface as well as applications for monitoring process states and displaying images of clustered objects directly over the analytical model among other updates.

The European Molecular Biology Laboratory has released the human dephosphorylation database, or DEPOD, a repository of human cell phosphatases and their substrates.

Information in the resource can help researchers identify known substrates of phosphatases, and suggest new substrates based on similarities between phosphatases. The data could help researchers explain unforeseen side-effects of drugs designed to interfere with phosphatases or with their phosphate-adding counterparts, kinases.

Elsevier announced recently that it has added a new module to PharmaPendium, the company’s preclinical, clinical, and post-market data resource.

According to the company, the new metabolizing enzymes and transporters module will help drug discovery and development researchers better understand drug-drug Interactions and their potential adverse reactions. It lets users search literature from sources such as approval documents from the US Food and Drug Administration and European Medicines Agency (EMA). It also extracts both in vivo and in vitro human and animal experimental data on metabolizing enzymes and transporters contained in preclinical and clinical studies.

DNAStar has launched Lasergene 11, the latest version of its sequence analysis software, and also announced that the tool is now available on the Amazon cloud.

Features in this version of the tool include a new application dubbed MegAlign Pro, which includes the muscle sequence alignment algorithm; new 16S rRNA and host-viral integration workflows; and enhanced copy number variation analysis capabilities among other updates.

This week, IDBS released E-WorkBook 9.3, the newest version of its enterprise data management platform.

The release includes enhancements to the tool’s web client and integrations with InforSense, IDBS’ workflow and analytics engine.