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Downloads and Upgrades: Genome Workbench 2.7.19, DNAApp, Panasas ActiveStor 16, and more


The National Center for Biotechnology Information has released Genome Workbench 2.7.19.

The update has several new features, including bug fixes, improved searching, added case sensitivity search options, and more.

The NCBI has also released version 6.0 of the Eukaryote Genome Annotation pipeline.

Starting with this release, RefSeq transcript and protein models, which have traditionally been constructed based on the genomic sequence alone, can now be constructed from a combination of the genomic sequence and transcript sequence. Additional details on new features are available in the release notes.

Researchers from A*STAR's Bioinformatics Institute have developed an application for analyzing ab1 DNA sequencing files for smart phones called DNAApp. The app is available for free on Google Play and in Apple's app store.

Panasas has released a new version of its storage appliance and operating system.

Features in the Panasas ActiveStor 16 hybrid storage appliance and the PanFS 6.0 storage operating system include RAID 6+ triple parity protection, 6TB HGST UltraStar He6 helium-filled drives, and more solid state drive resources among other updates.

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