Genedata has released a new version of Genedata Expressionist for Mass Spectrometry, its software for the analyzing metabolomics data.
Version 8.0 includes new workflows for integrated processing of LC- and GC-MS data.
SoftGenetics has added a new analysis module to the latest version of GeneMarker.
According to the company, the software now includes an integrated module for more accurately calculating Fragile X triplet CGG Repeats and Percent Methylation that is compatible with all major Fragile X kits, as well as locally developed chemistries.
Digital Science is donating its SureChem collection of chemical compounds — a database of over 15 million chemical structures gleaned from patents — to the European Bioinformatics Institute.
The resource, which will now be called SureChEMBL, will give researchers access to a vast new source of medicinally relevant compounds related to the curing of human disease, the company said.
A beta version of CLC Genomics Workbench 7.0 has been released with a full release planned for February 2014.
Its features include a substantial update of the RNA-Seq analysis tool; new statistical tools for analyzing differential expression; and improvements in speed and memory usage among other updates.
Accelrys has released Accelrys Materials Studio 7.0, the latest version of its modeling and simulation environment for chemists, polymer scientists, and other materials scientists.
This release contains enhancements in quantum mechanics, classical simulation, usability, visualization and collaboration, enabling scientists to engineer better performing and more cost-effective materials across a wide range of applications including pharmaceuticals, catalysts, polymers, composites, and more.
A new version of the SBML Test Suite is now available from SourceForge.
This release includes updates to several test cases, bug fixes, and more.
Dutch software company Genalice has released Genalice Map, the first version of its short read sequence alignment software. The company released a beta version of the software earlier this year.
OpenEye Scientific Software has released pKa Prospector 1.0.
Features in this resource include a curated database of high-quality experimental pKa measurements; complete experimental data and reference for each measurement; advanced filters and alternate search methods such as search by fingerprint similarity and substructure; and more.