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Downloads and Upgrades: E-WorkBook 9.4, NextClip, BLAST 2.2.29+, and More


IDBS has released an updated version of its E-WorkBook solution that includes new data visualization and analysis capabilities.

Version 9.4 includes new chemical drawing features that let users capture a wider variety of molecular types; the ability to define organometallic structures; and customizable chemical data lookup functionality. The latest version also supports the direct addition of data to experiments at point-of-use among other features.

Researchers at The Genome Analysis Center have released open source software called NextClip, a tool for comprehensive quality analysis and read preparation for Nextera long mate pair libraries.

The National Center for Biotechnology Information has released BLAST 2.2.29+ via ftp.

The software provides a number of improvements and bug fixes including improved blastn batch query performance and improved multithreading among other updates.

NCBI also announced that the mouse (Mus musculus) genome annotation has been updated to release 104. The release is now available in the nucleotide, protein sequence and gene databases, is searchable using BLAST, and can be downloaded from the ftp site.

Oracle Health Sciences have released a new version of Oracle Health Sciences Translational Research Center, its software platform for secondary use of electronic health records and omics data in biomarker identification for drug discovery, clinical development, and translational medicine purposes.

In version 3.0, the clinical data model now includes more than 70 major tables – up from approximately 35 - as well as many new attributes, such as medical encounters, treatment outcomes and patient’s family medical histories. The omics data model features approximately 50 new tables – more than 100 in total – which support histology and mutation data from Catalog of Somatic Mutations in Cancer and Human Gene Mutation Database data, as well as expanded structural variation. Other updates include data-level security capabilities, support for the Genome Variant Call format, and more.

CLC Bio, a Qiagen company, and Korilog have released KLAST plug-in for CLC Genomics Workbench and CLC Main Workbench.

Korilog's KLAST is a sequence similarity search tool which builds on a highly optimized implementation of the PLAST algorithm. Throughout January 2014, users purchasing a CLC Genomics Workbench license will receive the KLAST plug-in on four computer cores at no extra cost.