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Downloads and Upgrades: D360 7.0, MetaMiner Asthma, Knowledge Explorer 5.0, and Biobar 2.0.6


Certara has released D360 7.0, the latest version of its data query, analysis, and visualization solution.

New features in this release include all entity detail reports, which are used to assess compound status and to locate scientific data of interest to apply to current projects. The release also includes another feature that lets users add extra columns or rows of information to any dataset without re-running the entire query. Finally, users can also set up data searches to run automatically and regularly and access results in a variety of formats.

Thomson Reuters has launched MetaMiner Asthma, an industry-academic-government, disease-focused collaboration that aims to improve current understanding of pathological pathways that cause asthma and develop patient profiling methods to improve asthma diagnosis and treatment.

The company expects the MetaMiner Asthma program to generate more than 30 new pathway maps related to the signaling of immune cells involved in asthma pathology, such as T-cells, macrophages, eosinophils and neutrophils that will be delivered via the MetaCore platform. These maps and the insights from computational analyses using the pathways will be made available to participating members only for the first year, in order to aid in asthma research and protect intellectual property interests.

IO Informatics has launched Knowledge Explorer 5.0, the latest version of its semantic software for analyzing, visualizing, and managing data.

Version 5.0 offers improved visualization tools and performance on large datasets as well as enhancements to back-end connections.

The Protein Data Bank has released Biobar 2.0.6, the latest version of a Firefox toolbar that provides access to more than 45 biological data resources from within the browser.

Biobar lets users search and retrieve data from genomic, proteomic, functional, literature, taxonomic, structure, and plant- and animal-specific databases. They can also perform context menu searches for highlighted terms or keywords as well as access bioinformatics sites and services including those at the European Bioinformatics Institute, the National Center for Biotechnology Information, and the DNA Data Bank of Japan.