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Downloads and Upgrades: BioJava 3.0.6, AIM, and NCI-60 Variant Data


BioJava 3.0.6 is available here.

The release includes bug fixes and other minor improvements

The National Cancer Institute's Center for Biomedical Informatics and Information Technology has released version of the Annotation and Imaging Markup or AIM.

Among other features, the release includes the AIM Template Builder 1.x and XML 2.0 documents. These have the ability to skip a consecutive number of questions with possible answer choices assigned.

The NCI has also released a dataset of cancer-specific genetic variations generated from whole-exome sequencing of the NCI-60 human cancer cell line panel, a collection of 60 human cancer cell lines.
According to researchers associated with the release, the dataset contains 6 billion data points that connect drugs with genomic variants for the whole human genome across cell lines from nine tissues of origin, including breast, ovary, prostate, colon, lung, kidney, brain, blood and skin.

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