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Downloads and Upgrades: ADMET Predictor 7.1, Data InPress, UCSC Genome Browser, and more


Simulations Plus has released ADMET Predictor 7.1.

This release lets users work with most major operating and workflow systems. Other updates include bug fixes, a Knime workflow node, as well as improvements to the graphical user interface and the command line interface.

Glencoe Software has launched Data InPress, a suite of data publication tools for integrating multidimensional image data into online publications. The suite comprises Glencoe's DataViewer application and Video Injection service. These tools make it possible to host and view data from blots, five-dimensional fluorescent light microscopy, electron microscopy, electron tomography, among other features.

The genome browser group at the University of California, Santa Cruz has released an assembly for rat (Rattus norvegicus). Bulk downloads of the sequence and annotation data are available via ftp or from the downloads page.

The Garvan Institute of Medical Research, DNAnexus, and AllSeq have released two datasets that were generated using Illumina's HiSeq X Ten. The data can be accessed here.