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Downloads and Upgrades: AB Sciex Swath, ChemCurator, dbVAR, and Ensembl 77


AB Sciex said this week that its Swath Proteomics software tool suite is now available on Illumina's BaseSpace cloud environment.

The suite includes the Protein Expression Extractor, which is used for processing raw mass spectrometry data; Protein Expression Assembler, which is used for protein fold-change analysis; the Protein Expression Browser, which is used to visualize results in biological context; and Protein Expression Analytics, which is used for data quality review

ChemAxon this week launched ChemCurator, an application that’s used to extract chemical information and generate Markush structures from documents.

The new application has features such as automatic recognition of chemical names and structure images within various document types; drag and drop population and merge of R-group constituents from recognized structures; automatic Markush structure verification through comparison of recognized exemplified structures in patent documents; structures and source text are dynamically linked and viewable in a synchronous mode; and pre-existing connections with public and commercial patent repositories such as IFI CLAIMS simplify document acquisition.

The National Center for Biotechnology Information said this week that the Database of Genomic Structural Variation (dbVAR) now accepts submissions in the variant call format in addition to other standard formats: Excel, Tab, and XML. Instructions for submitting in VCF can be found on the dbVar Home, Submission Guidelines, and Submission Templates pages.

Ensembl release 77 is available here.

The release includes an updated human and rat gene set, Updated human phenotype from ClinVar and Decipher, and an updated and improved amazon molly gene set among other changes.