This week, Rockefeller University Press and Glencoe Software announced a new version of the Journal of Cell Biology DataViewer, a tool that hosts supplemental image data from genome-wide high-content screens published in the journal.
The JCB DataViewer now lets authors archive and share HCS data and allows the scientific community to interactively browse and download original screen data to their computers for more detailed analysis.
The JCB DataViewer is based on open source software built by the Open Microscopy Environment.
The Center for Bioinformatics and Computational Biology at the University of Maryland has released TopHat 1.3.2 and Cufflinks 1.1.0.
The latest release of TopHat includes several bug fixes and improvements, while the Cufflinks release addresses several issues, such as the addition of a more sophisticated check for sufficient sequencing depth prior to testing for differences.
Cytoscape 2.8.2 is now available here.
The release includes improvements to the tool's memory allocation capability and CytoPanels as well as a new gradient editor and other updates.