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Downloads and Upgrades Oct 30, 2009


The Bioconductor development team has released Bioconductor 2.5. The release includes 34 new software packages, for a total of 352. There are also changes to several existing packages.

Bioconductor 2.5 is compatible with the recently released R 2.10.0.

The National Center for Biomedical Ontology at Stanford University has released BioPortal 2.2, a resource for accessing and sharing biomedical ontologies.

New features include Ontology Views, which are subsets of ontologies in the repository that users can share with colleagues; the NCBO Resource Index, which is an automated indexing of the contents of public databases using ontology terms; and new REST (representational state transfer) web services.

GeneGo has made free pathway content available through its website for human, mouse, and rat signaling and metabolism.

The site includes 37 cystic fibrosis-specific disease maps, which are the result of a collaborative development project with the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation.

Symyx Technologies has released an out-of-the-box integration of Symyx Notebook and Thermo Fisher Scientific's Watson LIMS that enables scientists to easily transfer study information, sample lists, experimental results, and reports between the electronic laboratory notebook and the LIMS, Symyx said.

The integration also allows users to design studies in Watson LIMS and publish them in Symyx Notebook, annotate Watson LIMS worklists in Symyx Notebook, and transfer completed Watson LIMS reports back to Symyx Notebook.