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DNAVision, BioXpr Integrate Genetic Analysis, Informatics

NEW YORK (GenomeWeb News) – DNAVision said today that it has teamed with BioXpr to offer an integrated genetic analysis and bioinformatics platform.

The company said that the offering will cover design, experimentation, analysis, and interpretation of microarray-based research projects focused on drug discovery and development.

BioXpr, a spin-off from Namur University in Belgium, offers bioinformatics solutions used in collecting, storing, extracting, and analyzing data from high-throughput experiments, clinical trials, databases, and literature. DNAVision offers a range of services and technologies, including nucleic acids extraction, expression profiling, SNP genotyping, and DNA sequencing.

BioXpr CEO Benjamin Damien said in a statement that the platform "will create an ideal environment to easily integrate genomics data into systems biology."