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DNAStar Awarded NIH SBIR Grant for Clinical NGS Analysis Software


DNAStar said this week that that it has received a fast-track Phase I and Phase II Small Business
Innovation award from the National Institutes of Health to support the development of sequence analysis software for the clinical research market.

Tom Schwei, vice president and general manager of DNAStar, said in a statement that the funding "will be used to accelerate the speed with which we can move from the general research market into the clinical research market."

Schwei told BioInform that the company has been awarded $150,000 under Phase I of the grant. Under the fast-track model, a Phase II award of $500,000 to $1 million will be awarded if funding is available, he said.

The project will involve "several clinical trial studies with numerous collaborators and clinical trial sponsors" that will involve sequencing "hundreds of samples," Schwei said.