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DDN Joins Global Alliance for Genomics and Health


NEW YORK (GenomeWeb) – DataDirect Networks said this week that it has joined the Global Alliance for Genomics and Health.

DDN joins over 200 research institutions, healthcare providers, information technology and life science companies, and disease and patient advocacy organizations from more than 40 countries.

As a member of the alliance, DDN said it will contribute expertise in representation, storage, analysis, and security of genomic data. Its product portfolio includes the Storage Fusion Architecture-based GRIDScaler and EXAScaler solutions; and the WOS block, file, and cloud solutions.

"We are delighted to be part of the Alliance and proud to be working together with the other members to help define and develop the infrastructure and technology platforms, as well as the appropriate standards, necessary to enable clinical applications and academic research to thrive," George Vacek, DDN's life sciences global director, said in a statement. "We look forward to working with members to help accelerate time to discovery, simplify collaboration, and eliminate the barriers to research created by current information-silos and inefficiencies of legacy clustered storage systems."

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