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Curi Bio Acquires Artificial Intelligence Firm Dana Solutions

NEW YORK — Curi Bio said on Thursday that it has acquired Dana Solutions, a Palo Alto, California-based developer of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies for in vitro cell-based assays.

Curi offers a range of induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC)-based products for drug discovery including its Car(ina) cardiac microtissue model, as well as its NanoSurface Plate line of microplates.

Through the acquisition, Curi will gain Dana's portfolio of AI and machine learning (ML) platforms, which include PhenoLearn for cell and tissue phenotype modeling, Pulse for contractility analysis of beating cardiomyocytes, and PhenoTox for predictive safety pharmacology.

"We are building best-in-class models of human diseases using human iPSC-derived cells and physiologically-relevant biosystems," Curi CSO Nicholas Geisse said in a statement. "With Dana's deep learning tools, now we can apply AI/ML-based phenotypic screening to our models to detect patterns in multidimensional phenotypic data at scale."

Curi, based in Seattle, said that it will continue Dana's US Food and Drug Administration-funded alliance with the Health and Environmental Sciences Institute to validate PhenoTox for the predictive assessment of drug-induced structural cardiac toxicity. Dana's software-as-a-service platforms will continue to operate until the expiration of existing customer contracts.

Additional terms of the acquisition were not disclosed.