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Congenica, Edico Genome Bundle Technology

NEW YORK (GenomeWeb) – British genomics analysis startup Congenica and San Diego-based sequencing informatics firm Edico Genome are partnering to offer their products as a technology bundle. Together, they hope to help laboratories and hospitals accelerate the movement of genomics from sequencing to diagnosis of inherited diseases.

The partnership also will help Cambridge-based Congenica expand its presence in the US.

Specifically, the two companies are combining Congenica's Sapientia genome-analysis software with Edico’s field-programmable gate array bioinformatics processor, Dragen. They expect to be able to reduce "DNA-to-diagnosis" time from months to minutes.

"By combining our complementary technologies, we aim to accelerate the clinician's ability to use genomics to diagnose a patient's disease, and make this available on a global basis," Congenica CEO Thomas Weaver said in a statement.

In January, Edico Genome inked a deal with Dell EMC to integrate the Dragen processor into a 1U Dell 4130 server for genome analysis, as well as Dell EMC's Isilon scale-out networked attached storage for genomic data storage.

In late February, Congenica announced that it raised a $10 millon Series B round of venture capital.