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CollabRx, OncoDNA Combining Technologies for Cancer Mutation Panels

NEW YORK (GenomeWeb News) – Data analytics firm CollabRx and next-generation sequencing-based diagnostics company OncoDNA today announced a test and medical information development partnership.

The companies will work together to develop solutions combining the results of cancer mutation panels developed by OncoDNA with clinically actionable and "dynamically updated knowledge" from CollabRx through that firm's SaaS-based technology and content resources. The knowledge provided by CollabRx includes the clinical impact of specific mutational profiles and "associated therapeutics such as drugs and clinical trials," it said.

The deal is San Francisco-based CollabRx's first outside the US and leverages its semantic integration platform, which allows its scientists and physicians to update CollabRx's molecular oncology knowledgebase with the most recent medical and scientific data culled from the public domain.

The partnership is a "significant step forward" in the company's plans to serve high-growth areas abroad, Thomas Mika, chairman, president, and CEO of CollabRx, said in a statement.

Jean-Pol Detiffe, founder and CEO of OncoDNA, added, "NGS-based tests are increasingly becoming a routine part of clinical care for cancer patients, but the complexity of the genetic data from tumor mutations is outpacing the ability of physicians to stay current with advanced treatments." The deal with CollabRx will "close this knowledge gap and enable physicians who order OncoDNA tests to access highly credible knowledge provided by CollabRx to aid in the interpretation of test results," he said.

Based in Belgium, OncoDNA develops next-generation sequencing-based tests for clinical use in cancer.

Financial and other terms of the deal were not disclosed.