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CollabRx, GeneInsight Collaborate on Sequencing Data

NEW YORK (GenomeWeb News) – CollabRx and GeneInsight today announced a joint initiative to make CollabRx's medical and scientific content accessible through GeneInsight's knowledge management platform.

The combined offering, the two companies said, will result in a medical informatics solution that supports genetic sequencing, interpretation, and reporting in the clinical laboratory. The offering will initially focus on cancer.

The analysis and interpretation of sequencing data is one of the greatest challenges facing clinicians, CollabRx and GeneInsight said. Their combined offering will allow clinical laboratories to catalog genetic variants from sequencing-based tests and link them with CollabRx's curated knowledge on available drugs and clinical trials.

The results will then be "streamlined through GeneInsight's networked infrastructure," so that clinical labs can update physicians on the most recent knowledge in order to better manage patient care.

"Our partnership with GeneInsight goes a long way toward enabling a truly integrated clinical laboratory workflow," Thomas Mika, chairman, president, and CEO of CollabRx, said in a statement.

The deal is the most recent in a string of transactions the San Francisco-based data analytics company has announced recently, following a partnership with Sengenics in cancer diagnostics; a deal with OncoDNA for the development of cancer mutation panels; and a distribution agreement with Projects In Knowledge.

Boston-based GeneInsight is a wholly owned bioinformatics subsidiary of integrated health system Partners Healthcare.